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SoftPro CubePlayer, a client for SSAS 2000, 2005 and 2008 introduced Intellisense features in its integrated MDX Editor

MDX Editor is a part of CubePlayer where users can directly see, change and execute any MDX generated by CubePlayer or pasted via clipboard from another application.

Beginners might typically want to see how an OLAP client like CubePlayer generates MDX. Normally, Editor is opened as a separate tab, but there's also an option to see MDX of every query being executed from application in a docking panel, sort of how advanced HTML editors allow you to see the code and the preview of web page at the same time. That way users can instantly see the change in MDX as they slice and dice on grid, or when they create layout of members, levels and measures in its Designer (sort of pivot table). Through that they can learn how to write their own MDX queries in a very short time. On the other hand, more experienced users can start directly from scratch, by creating a new, blank query.

For both categories of users, MDX Editor through its new Intellisense and additional features provides:

  • writing MDX queries easier (in general)
  • faster navigation through all MDX functions, cube's hierachies and measures
  • syntax checking (live, in status window below)
  • often needed bracket counting feature (on demand, for selected part or all query)
  • handy evaluation of selected part of MDX (preview of first/last 20 members on F7/ F8 keys)
  • formatting MDX query (nice if MDX is obtained from different source and pasted inside editor)
  • folding MDX query by its parts (just like Visual Studio does for C# or other languages)
  • split window view (on demand, handy for extra large queries)
  • advanced search on hierarchies
  • applying funtions on selected part of MDX (around it, as outer function)
  • drag&drop features

All in all, lots of features for everyone who writes MDX daily, time-to-time or anyone interested in learning/practicing MDX.

CubePlayer can be downloaded as a free, fully functional 60-day trial that might not even have to be installed in case tighter OS integration isn't needed/wanted.

If all the prerequisites are already installed (and typical power user obtained them through SSAS installation: MSXML, ADOMD, ASOLEDB), CubePlayer can be started right away by running .EXE from its latest update (zip file in orange area). Demo licence can be obtained through e-mail by registering on site and applying for it in download section. On the other hand, full installation allows registering CubePlayer document types and similar. Third option to see CubePlayer's MDX Intellisense in action are videos (viewable in Windows Media Player) of some of the implemented features.

Web site:

Tags: news, mdx, client, tool


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