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PowerPivot Table Import Wizard cannot find provider

The data source provider list in PowerPivot can often be a source of confusion for users since they equate the fact that a provider appears in the list as the provider being installed and available. Unfortunately, the list of providers is actually a static list of supported data sources for PowerPivot, so the user is still required to install the desired provider to successfully import data into PowerPivot. Thus, the most common fix for a "provider is not installed" error in the import wizard is to ensure you have the proper data provider installed and that the installed provider matches the platform architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of PowerPivot and Excel.

If you are certain that the selected provider is installed on your client machine and are able to import data directly into Excel using the desired provider via the Data tab, then you may be encountering another issue which was recently discovered.


Tags: error, tabular


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