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Analysis Services 2005/2008 Aggregation Manager Sample (Free)

Aggregation Manager is a sample application that lets you view, design, edit, and add aggregations based on the information collected in the query log.
For more information about performance issues related to aggregations, see the section “Writing Efficient MDX” in the SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Performance Guide. For information about setting up the query log, see Configuring the Analysis Services Query Log.


The Aggregation Manager sample illustrates how to take advantage of various SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services features to handle aggregation design.
The sample can connect to an instance of Analysis Services and display a set of aggregation designs. It also displays the partitions that the aggregation design is applied to.
You can use the sample to display a set of aggregations in a particular aggregation design, and to change each aggregation as you want. Aggregation designs can be applied to any partition in the measure group.
You run the sample and connect to the query log table to import statistical information about Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) queries, to display the MDX queries, and to add new aggregations based on the displayed set.

Aggregation Manager Sample is part of Microsoft SQL Server Product Samples: Analysis Services project at codeplex. There is version of this utility for Analysis Services 2005 and 2008.

You can read more about this utility and download it from here.

Tags: tool, aggregation, sample


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