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Introduction To Analysis Services Extended Events

I started digging into using Extended Events to trace Analysis Services recently for a client. They wanted to do some tracing of their SSAS instances, and with the deprecation of SQL Profiler, Extended Events was the best long term solution. I have to admit, when I first started looking at this topic, I was overwhelmed. Other than a few blog posts, which I will list out below, there was very little to go on. I believe, on the whole, SQL Server Books Online (msdn, technet, etc) have pretty solid content. But for using Extended Events on Analysis Services, I have to agree with Chris Webb (Blog|Twitter) that BOL provides little value. Note: Although the examples I have seen in the wild, as well as my example below, have used SSAS Multidimensional, I implemented this for SSAS Tabular at my client. So, it works for both.


Tags: management, performance, xmla


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