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Connecting Informatica with MS-OLAP

In the previous parts (1, 2) I showed how to connect Informatica with MS-OLAP, meaning that a mapplet can process cube or dimension. The thing is that I focused on the side of MS-OLAP. In the second part I even wrote the T-SQL code itself. Now I want to close the loop by describing what's going on in the Informatica side. This part was made by my friend, Alex, who permitted me to post here about what he did.

First of all, there's a table which contains the parameters to call with to the MS-OLAP procedure (object id, type, user name, etc.). This table is the source (& source qualifier, of course) of the mapplet. Each row in this table calls the stored procedure in the MS-OLAP side (in fact, the procedure is part of the relational DB, but never mind now). The call to the SP is made with Informatica's Procedure block. The connection is a regular ODBC connection, as mentioned in the previous part. Now for the interesting part: In the mapplet, the result of the procedure (zero for success, one for failure) goes into a Java Transformation block. This java block will fail the mapplet if one or more procedure calls returned failure.


Tags: connectivity


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