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The many names of attribute relations

The reason for writing about this is that I need to find some good practical examples of how attribute relations work and implications on calculations.

Richard Tkatchuk has written a white paper on this topic here, that you can download. My ambition is to follow Richards examples and apply them on the Adventure Works cube(like always). There are not that many examples of people in this business that have followed up Richards work on this topic but as a MDX rookie I am trying to explain what he writes about.
I have only tried a few examples and some of them can be questioned from not having a complete picture of what is going on. Still I have given this subject much thought and have checked the best SSAS2005 books several times.  I have also built a small and simple cube without attribute relations and it seem to confirm what I am supposing here. The rest of my experience comes from working in a large company that use SSAS 2005 cubes heavily.
Anyway, this is my current opinion.


Tags: design, attribute relationship


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