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This post, like many previous about MDX, is mainly for the readers, like me, who do a lot of work in other MS BI applications(SSIS, the database,SSRS, MOSS and PerformancePoint) and are not top 10 MDX experts but would like to know more about this interesting multidimensional language.  My ambition is to write about a real business problem with SSAS cubes and how you find a solution by going from the gurus blogs to implementing it, by trial and error, by yourself.
In the SSAS newsgroup I read a question of why a crossjoin of leaf level products and single days takes so long when you add a calculated member.
The MDX Select was close to this statement that I have changed to apply to the Adventure Works cube. We can neglet the known issue with ParallelPeriod and time dimensions that start in the second half calendar year.


Tags: mdx


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