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I work as SQL Server DBA / Developer and BI Consultant in Toronto, Canada.Canada Flag More...
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I am a SSAS Maestro!

September 19th, 2011 by Vidas Matelis

I already wrote about my experience in the SSAS maestro program and today I can share with you that I am one of the first 11 SSAS Maestros!  The official announcement on the first wave of SSAS Maestros was posted on the website today. I am very happy to have received this award as it was a very challenging but worthwhile experience .

A big congratulations to all of the SSAS Maestro recipients: Ulf Ackerman, Alberto Ferrari, Greg Galloway, Darren Gosbell, Dirk Gubbels, Michael Horne, Marco Russo, Harlan Smith, Chris Webb and John Welch.

Posted in SSAS, SSAS Maestro | 5 Comments »