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I work as SQL Server DBA / Developer and BI Consultant in Toronto, Canada.Canada Flag More...
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WSH Scripting for Analysis Services 2005

September 25th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis

Years ago I was using Windows Scripting Host (WSH) for majority of my scripting tasks. It is installed by default on all Windows PCs, VBScript language is quite easy to learn/use and you can do a lot with just a few lines of code. But since DTS was introduced, I started to use DTS more and more and now SSIS is default environment where I do all my scripting. This is because SSIS has very good error loging system and is so much more powerful. But I still use a few WSH scripts that gives me quick status of my SSAS databases. To test them in your environment just copy script to text file, name it with extension *.vbs and then run it with command “CScript YourScript.vbs” with required parameters.

I have no problems running these scripts on any of my workstation PCs. But when I tested these cscripts on my server machines I was getting error message “Microsoft VBScript runtime error: ActiveX component can’t create object ‘Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server'”. Maybe I am getting this error message because my servers are 64bit, or I might require to manually register some dll(s). If anyone knows how to make it work on server, I would appreciate if you’ll leave your comments here.
Updated: Few hours after I posted this blog I got solution from Andreau to this problem. On 64 bit environment I have to execute script using command: “c:\windows\syswow64\cscript.exe YourScript.vbs”. Thanks Andreau!

Here are 2 scripts that you might find useful: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in SSAS | 10 Comments »

SSIS: Issue with OLE DB Source component that is based on parametrized SQL Query

September 13th, 2007 by Vidas Matelis

While writing SSIS package to load one of my data warehouse tables, I encountered SSIS problem that took me some time to figure out. I noticed that in the dataflow task one of the OLE DB source components was not returning any data even I know that records were there. So I did some investigation and found what was causing this issue.

I found that when following conditions are met, OLE DB Source component will not return any data:

  • “OLE DB Source” component is based on the SQL Query
  • SQL Query contains parameters
  • SQL Query contains line that starts with comments symbol “–” 

 Example, this query (database “Adventure Works DW”) works:

SELECT CurrencyKey
  FROM dbo.DimCurrency

But this query always returns empty result set:

SELECT CurrencyKey
FROM dbo.DimCurrency
— my comments

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in SQL Server, SSIS | 12 Comments »