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Real-Time Business Intelligence (BI) with SQL Server 2005

Real-Time Business Intelligence (BI) with SQL Server 2005 - Marin Bezic. Video presentation from Microsoft IT Forum 05.

In today's business world, as BI and data analysis are factoring into every aspect of the enterprise -from the traditional decision-making processes to day-to-day business operations - the need for real-time data analysis is becoming a common business requirement. The challenges in providing real-time BI have not changed, but new innovative technology now makes what was inconceivable in the past a reality for tomorrow. See how Analysis Services will provide users with the ability to perform real-time data analysis on the fly and learn to tell your CFO "Of course the data is in real-time, you don't think I'd let you look at stale data, do you?". In addition, we'll also cover some of the manageability improvements made in SQL Server 2005 for managing production Analysis Services systems.



Tags: webcast, real time


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