Report Portal September 2008

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Special offer:

What: Business Intelligence Virtual Conference 2008
When: November 5-7, 2008 (Date was changed!)
Where: Virtual, straight from your desktop
Event Link:

The SSWUG.ORG Business Intelligence Virtual Conference provides a unique experience to make sure you get the information you need from some of the industry's leading experts. Matthew Roche, Chief Software Architect of BI consulting firm Integral Thought & Memory, is our esteemed conference chair for this event and has put together a list of great speakers. Donald Farmer, Brian Knight, Ted Malone and Erik Veerman are just some of the speakers who are presenting. Sessions being presented include SSAS 101, Patterns for SSIS Configurations, Intro to SQL Server Data Mining, Designing a BI Solution for Performance and so much more.

 As a member of SSAS-info, use this VIP code () to receive $10 off your registration.


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