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Time Intelligence Differences between Grids and Scorecards

Time intelligence (TI) is one of the great features of PerformancePoint, but it has always taken users time to understand and implement. And we have received more than a few discussion list posts and customer inquiries when things don't add up -- literally. Today, I wanted to draw your attention to a small case in point. One of our testers brought this to my attention, and I thought that it would be nice to share with the community.

The issue is, in short, that grids and charts don't aggregate data the same way that scorecards do when TI filters have been applied to them. Many of you may have already encountered this, been frustrated by it, and have learned to account for it. In order to show you the discrepancy between the two visualizations, you really just need four things: you need a data source that has TI mapping set up, a KPI (and a scorecard), a grid, and a filter. Like usual, I'll use the AdventureWorks cube to illustrate my point.


Tags: performance point, time


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