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Getting Data Mining results into SQL Tables

I've been seeing lots of questions about how to get data mining results into SQL tables.  Most times the answers are "use the prediction query builder save button" or "build an SSIS package."  Both of these have issues among them being that the former is really only suited to single-use, small jobs, and the latter has a lot of overhead (not to mention that if you want to use the Data Mining Query Transform you have to have Enterprise Edition).

Luckily, there happens to be a much easier way - and it's one of those "Doh!" moments when you learn about it, because it's that easy.

The way to do it is to simply use linked servers.  Anyone who uses DMX knows to connect to SQL data with OPENQUERY.  There's no reason you can't simply connect to Data Mining data using the same mechanism.



Tags: data mining


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