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Creating a matrix report using the Analysis Services Cube

The Analysis Services can also be configured when the SQL Server 2008 is installed. Out of the box the analysis server has no objects and you need to deploy a database to work with this service. Two previous articles described the process of creating a CUBE from scratch using the TestNorthwind database, a copy of the Northwind database. In this article by Dr. Jayaram Krishnaswamy, we will be authoring a report based on an analysis services CUBE.

Creating the CUBE will be essential to work with this hands-on. If you are already experienced and have an appropriate CUBE to work with you may directly go to the section on deriving a dataset. The CUBE used in this hands-on is a simple one. It does not even have a "Time" dimension although Microsoft in Visual Studio gives a warning that you should have one. However for the purposes of demonstration and doing the hands-on a CUBE without the "Time" dimension should be adequate. The two previous articles on creating a CUBE provide the necessary background for this article.


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