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Improvements to dimension security in Analysis Services 2005 (By Mosha Pasumansky)

What changed with respect to dimension security in Analysis Services 2005 ? A lot ! I will try to touch on most important changes.

Attribute based instead of hierarchy based.

This is perhaps the most important change. The concept of UDM goes across entire Analysis Services, and dimension security is not an exception. Just like calculations in MDX are attribute based - so is dimension security. In terms of Analysis Services 2000 it means that when master dimension is secured - all of its virtual dimensions would get secured appropriately and vice versa. For example, if we secure specific member on attribute Year - automatically all months of that year, all weeks of that year, all quarters of that year etc - get also secured. This is similar to Analysis Services 2000 - when you secure the parent - all of its children get secured, but it only worked in single hierarchy. In Analysis Services 2005 - all hierarchies: Year-Quarter-Month, Year-Week, Year-Month etc will get secured accordingly.


Tags: security


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