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How do you change Analysis Services 2005 measure group ID property value

Q: How do you change Analysis Services 2005 measure group ID property value?
A: You can do this if your that ID is unique by doing global replace in code. What I mean by unique is, that if you have ID "Product" and then you have dimension "Product" then you cannot that easily change code. Just to be safe, allways review code that you are changing. Note - this is not Microsoft supported solution, so keep in mind risk involved.
  • In BIDS Solution explorer select cube, then right mouse click and "View Code".
  • Do search for >OldMEasureGroupID< in your code. You should see it used to define measure group and then to define measures for that measure group.
  • Do "replace all": >OldMEasureGroupID< to >NewMeasureGroupID<. Here include ">" and "<" characters.
  • Save and close Code editor.
  • Open cube designer normally, and go to the partition tab. You will see and this measure group will have no partitions. Create new partition.
  • Done.

Tags: faq, management


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