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Notes on Analysis Services Tabular Performance and Parallelism (Part 2)

In my “Notes on Analysis Services Performance and Parallelism” blog, I shared limited performance results about scaling up Analysis Services Tabular. As I mentioned, I expect the same findings to apply to SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular. As the official load test results came in, I’m ready to provide more info and general recommendations. We load tested the AAS semantic model mentioned in the previous blog (about 2 billion rows) by capturing a representative subset of DAX queries including slow, medium and fast queries. We used a stepped load starting with one user and increased the number of concurrent users with one every 30 seconds. We considered the server saturated when 90% of maximum QPU was reached on average. For example, the S4 performance level has 400 QPU (20 cores) so the saturation level would be 360 QPU on average.



Tags: performance, tabular, azure


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