Report Portal

Using Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode with PPS 2010 with SQL Server "Denali" CTP3

The SQL Server team has made a small change to the location of the web service that PPS calls in order to render SQL Server Reporting Services reports when running in SharePoint Integrated mode. In this blog post, I'm going to go over how to work around that problem and get your reports rendering again.

The changes in Denali now have SSRS running inside the SharePoint Shared Service architecture, which in the long term will make management of this service a lot easier for the people responsible for making sure the service is up and running. As a consequence of this change, the web service that PPS relies on (ReportExecution2005.asmx) changed location. It is now located in the _vti_bin folder along with the other SharePoint web services. Accordingly, we need to point the Report Server URL parameter in Dashboard Designer to this folder.


Tags: performance point


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