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SSAS 2008: Whats new in the Schema Rowsets?

I was asking myself this question recently and while I could not find anything in Books Online, it is not too hard to figure this out for ourselves. The following comparison was run between SSAS 2005 SP2 and the February CTP (CTP6) of SSAS 2008.

I really love the way that you can discover the metadata in SSAS, all I had to do is to run a DISCOVER_SCHEMA_ROWSETS XML/A command against each server and then use XMLNotepad 2007 to compare the resulting XML.

In the SQL Server 2008 you should find that features are not included in a CTP until they are pretty much complete, including documentation. So you can find documentation for all of this stuff under the "Schema Rowsets" section in Books Online (BOL) here: In fact I have used a number of snippets from BOL in the rest of this post.


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